

Tabarelli spa was founded in the 30’s as a family business producing drying ovens for silk cocoons and cereals.

The company then applied its experience to the agricultural sector, producing irrigation systems, sewage tanks and, towards the mid 50’s, building the first self-propelled material handlers for agriculture.

At the beginning of the 60’s, when the market shown the need to move metal and scrap, Tabarelli produced its first road material handler with grab suitable for this purpose. The construction of the first machines took place in that era, using a lot of components from road vehicles, particularly as regards the transmission and related elements.

Even with the limitations due to the fact that parts were to be adapted to a use they were not originally designed for, the solutions developed were increasingly focused on achieving functionality, strenght and reliability, suitable for all of the different types of work the machines had to perform.When new or recycled components with the right characteristics could not be found, they were built especially, using specific dies and machining cycles.

Subsequently, the company went on to develop these machines, seeking to improve performance, using commercial parts designed for this purpose, working with specialist suppliers and partners in order to offer modern machines with the best possible trade-off between new solutions and guaranteed reliability. Furthermore, models were designed and built for different purposes, such as crane trucks, excavators, timber machine handlers, fixed work stations.


From the 60s onwards material handler production has been flanked by the specific construction of scrap presses by Idromec.

At present, the product range includes machines with weights from 10 to 45 ton, and from 80 to 300 hp, featuring the most modern developments in electro-mechanics in terms of engines and hydraulic system management to guarantee higher precision and ease of use.


The design and development of new solutions has encompassed the potential offered by computerized calculation, design tools and new highly resistant materials, all of which with the aim of offering machines with increasingly high performance, reliability and guaranteed efficiency.

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